Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thing 23 - Final Thoughts

I have enjoyed taking part in the 23 Things training. There are several things I found during the training that I will continue to use. I go to my igoogle page regularly and enjoy reading the articles on my google reader. Everyone should sign up for the Boing Boing feed. It's great. I was happy to have a reason to revisit Pandora radio and will keep listening to my Bowling For Soup station I set up. I love Library Thing and would like to say I will use it to keep a record of what I read, but I will likely keep using my notebook I've had for years instead. Even though I will never listen to an audio book, I'm glad I went through the process of downloading one so I will have firsthand knowledge of what our customers are experiencing.

Some of things I did were fun, but not something I would ever use again. While my meez is almost as good looking as the real me, I can't see ever using him in real life. I still don't see the use for a Rollyo search and don't bookmark enough to have a need for Still, I am happy to have had the experience with using them.

I think my favorite part of the process has been reading the blogs of my coworkers. It is always helpful to read of other's experiences. I always learn something new from that. I just don't like discovering that my blog was much more boring than other people's, but I believe I did mention the likelihood of boring posts when I began, so you were warned.

I would definitely take part in another training like this if offered. I enjoy the independent learning because I can even do it when I am in jail.

Friday, August 31, 2007

A new song about librarians

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Overdrive, Netlibrary, etc.

I have never listend to an entire audio book. I even had trouble with the Stephen King audio release, Blood and Smoke, and I am a huge King fan. So, I doubt I will make it through the title I download, but I will try.

At Dennis'recommendation, I went straight to Netlibrary. I was able to find a title of interest in the horror section and check it out. Unfortunately, I was told I didn't have enough space on my computer at Miller to download the book. I will try again from home and report back.

EDIT: Book downloaded successfully.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Of the three search tools listed, I liked podcastalley the best. Very easy to use and the easiest one to use to subscribe via my Google Reader. I subscribed to Libvibe and SimonSays, a Simon and Schuster poscast with author interviews. I like the idea of podcasts and can see how they can be useful, I'm just afraid I am not patient enough to listen to one unless it grabs my attention from the beginning. If I see a podcast is longer than 5 minutes, I won't even attempt to listen. I guess I have a short attention span.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Flickr revisted

I recently spent a week in NYC. If you are bored enough to look at my vacation photos they are here:

Zoho revisited


This is a post written on Zoho.  Last time I tried Zoho I had trouble getting to the site.  Normally, I would not have come back and just been happy with google docs but then I received a comment from someone at Zoho asking me to try again.  Everything worked fine this time and it seems easy to use.



Below is a video from my friend Brent's Youtube channel. He is the youth pastor at my church. The video is a group of our students dancing on a roof in Alaska. I really enjoy youtube and will be doing a film festival at Miller in the spring for teens and college students to screen their personal short films.

If you want to see some really funny videos go to and watch the Pearl videos with Will Ferrell.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pandora Radio

I am currently listening to my Bowling For Soup station on Pandora. It's a great way to experience new artists you might never hear otherwise. It also allows me to say if I dislike a song they play so they can tweak my preferences. Now I just need to actually remember the names of the bands I like.

Thing 18

This post was created on google docs. I tried to go to Zoho Write first, but could not connect to the site. I can see the use for the online documents as I work in two different locations and used to email documents to myself so I could work on them from anywhere. Now I can just save them on google and work on them from anywhere.

It's also a good way to create posts for a blog. I get interrupted a lot when trying post to my blog. Using google to create the posts I can save them and continue later before I publish. I will use the interruptions as an excuse for the lack of creativity in my posts so far.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thing 17

I've added my blog to the favorite blogs page on the Learning 2.0 Sandbox Wiki. Very easy to do. I would have added to another page, but none really looked like pages where additions were welcome and I didn't feel the need to start my own page.


I have a little bit of experience with wikis. I'm sure everyone has been to wikipedia. Wikipedia is a great starting point when researching a subject you know nothing about, but I wouldn't use it as a primary source for academic work.

Of the wikis I looked at from the 23 Things site I enjoyed the Princeton Library book review site the most. Howard County could easily start a similar wiki to allow staff and customers to share their thoughts on books they have read.

I've also found wikis useful after attending conferences. MLA and ALA both had conference wikis that enabled me to have access to all I learned w/o keeping track of a lot of paper. It also allowed me to see the information from the sessions I could not attend.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Perspectives on 2.0

I didn't particularly like the video "The Machine is Us/ing Us" because it tried to make Web 2.0 all about the code and tags. That is not what Web 2.0 is about. Web 2.0 is about connection. Most people probably stopped the video when it started on HTML.

It was interesting to read in "Away from Icebergs" about the end of the "just in case" theory of libraries considering I wrote a paper against that library model 15 years ago. I guess I was ahead of my time.

It's good that librarians and library systems are trying to learn about this stuff. We need to move along with society to stay relevant. Teens tell me that I need to be on myspace or facebook in order to communicate with them. They do not check an "email address". They check for messages on myspace. My niece spends all of her time texting, using IM and checking her myspace. I stay current with her life by doing the same things. Libraries need to be willing to use these same things to reach the teens in their area. A bulletin post on myspace(assuming you get the teens to add you) will reach many more teens than a blurb in the paper or in a library newsletter. IM reference services will help more teens than librarians behind a desk even if those teens are in the library. It is especially helpful to those teens who are too shy to approach the desk in person.

I hope this training leads to more than just HCL knowing what the customers are doing. I hope it leads to HCL using Web 2.0 along with the customers in a way that is beneficial to both sides.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007 and Techorati

I have to say that made my eyes glaze over and I had to force myself to stay with it. I don't use bookmarks a lot as it is, so I didn't see much use for a site like this. I guess if you are one to use bookmarks a lot it would be of use to you.

I have always liked technorati. I was using it before I started the 23 things. I have now registered an account and claimed my blog. I now know how to add a tag to my blog and will start using them regularly. Maybe I can move up in the ranks of popularity with my blog. My friend Rob in Cleveland already has an authority of 35. I need to catch up.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I must say I don't see much use for Rollyo. I know how to do a general search with google, yahoo, etc. and know if the results are legitimate. I do, however, see why someone might want to limit their results to a few trusted sites in order to save time and energy looking at the results. I guess I don't believe in the less is more concept. I can also see why someone would use it to search sites specific to a topic. I just don't have a topic with very specific sites that would make it worthwhile to use. I did create a Maryland News search since local news is the one thing I do look at quite often. It can be found here.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Library Thing

This has been my favorite thing so far. Several people have told me about Library Thing, but I had never actually looked at it. It's great. I like the suggestion list when I click on the titles I have added. I like the fact that I can add random books from my library to my blog. I like everything about it. I may have to go home and catalog all of the books on my shelves now(I'm a geek).

You can see the random books from my library to the right or go to my library.

Friday, July 20, 2007

#10 - Meez

This was fun and easy to do, but I can't think of a reason to ever use it. I guess if I spent more time online I might find a use for it.

Thing 9 - Merlin, etc.

I have actually used technorati fairly regularly before I got here, so I came in with a bias towards it. I still think it is the easiest of the one's listed to use to find blogs. I also like google's blogsearch. As far as finding news feeds, I once again, have to say google is the best. I have several google reader feeds set up now and look at is regularly. This includes the 23 things blogs of several coworkers. I have to admit that I did not spend too much time on Merlin. I will have to go back and make sure I didn't miss anything. I did not like feedster at all.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thing 8 - RSS

I already have some experience with RSS after the training here at Miller. I was using News Gator for the feeds until I discovered Google Reader. Google Reader is very easy to use and in the last 5 minutes I have been able to subscribe to several of the Howard County participants 23 things blogs along with Boing Boing and the Shifted Librarian. I heard about Boing Boing at MLA so I decided to subscribe to see why they are linked more than most major news outlets. So far I see nothing exciting but I will read them for a while to see what they are about.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Thing 7 - TIVO post

I have recently moved from watching live TV and/or using videotape to record shows to being a TIVO household. I've been wanting to do this for a while and finally got a good enough deal from DirectTV to do it. I love it. No more worrying about remembering to set up the VCR or discovering the tape with the latest episode of House on it has gone bad. I don't have to spend hours looking at Nick or Disney's schedule trying to determine when the next new episode of Hannah Montana or Drake and Josh is on so the kids won't miss it. I just set up to record all first run episodes and we watch them whenever we want. I'm especially looking forward to the ability to pause the Ravens game or the UK basketball game when the phone rings so I won't miss a big play. And best of all: no commercials! I know I am late to the party with the DVR, but I am still excited to have it. Next on the agenda is HDTV.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Thing 6

I played around on mappr a bit today. I actually found a photo that was listed as taken in my tiny hometown of Beaver Dam, KY. Of course, the actual Flickr site only said Beaver Dam, so it's possible that it was taken in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. I considered making a movie poster or trading card, but I had writer's block on the descritpion/taglines so I didn't do it. I did use the same site to Warholize myself. The image is above. These sites would be a lot more fun if I had more personal digital photos. My digital camera is not very good so I am still a film guy until I upgrade. I will be back to these sites once I convince my wife to buy a new digital camera.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thing 5 Flickr

This image is from my friend Cindi. We worked together as undergraduates at King Library of University of Kentucky. We both went on to get an MLS. This photo is from ALA and is also in her blog at where she talks about Web 2.0.

Photo posted by truecolorsfly:

PAR-TIC-I-PA-TION, or 37 pieces of library flair (also a 365days shot)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thing 2 blog.

Ah, the power point on lifelong learning. Very hard to try to use the sound when you are in jail. It's very loud here even when alone in the library. I was happy to see 7.5 was play. I think the problem we have as a society is the loss of the value of play. Kids are asked to grow up too fast, play sports to win and not have fun, etc. We act the same way as adults in our jobs and then wonder why we are so stressed. It's very hard to learn(or want to learn) when you are stressed or burned out. My suggestion for anyone doing this is to have fun with it. Don't go through the process just to finish it. Make your blog fun. Find fun pictures on Flickr and funny youtube videos to share. The more fun you have with it the more likely you will go back to the sites after the training is over.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

First Post

Just started the 23 Things process. Hopefully, my blog will not be too boring. I will try to post more than just a boring notice that I finished the next step in the training.